
„Zpívající“ skleněné lahve inspirují mileniály k třídění skla 

1 min


Co kdyby skleněné lahve mohly mluvit? 

1 min


Na cestě k lepší planetě se počítá každá lahev 

Zastáváme názor, že každý den bychom se měli snažit být lepší verzí sebe sama – protože naše činy, ať jsou sebedrobnější, mají vliv na tuto planetu, kterou nazýváme domovem. A nemusí to být složité…

2 min


Jaký je rozdíl mezi sklem a křišťálem? 

Všechen křišťál je sklo, ale ne všechno sklo je křišťál. Jak tedy funguje? V tomto článku si vysvětlíme všechny rozdíly a podobnosti mezi těmito dvěma univerzálními materiály.

4 min

O Friends of Glass

Friends of Glass je komunita, která podporuje vše, co souvisí se skleněnými obaly. Směřuje k uvědomělejšímu životnímu stylu, který začíná u našich každodenních rozhodnutí.

Zjistěte o nás více

Proč sklo?

Zjistěte, proč milujeme sklo a proč se snažíme propagovat na celém světě jeho četné výhody.

Zjistěte proč

Zapojte se

Připojte se k rostoucí komunitě lidí, kterým záleží na lepší planetě a zdravějším životním stylu.

Zjistěte více


Vyslechněte si příběhy lidí z naší komunity a zjistěte, proč je pro nás volba skla v rámci uvědomělejšího životního stylu lepší.

Zjistěte více

Terms & Conditions

Article 1: Property and modification Website 

The Website (hereinafter the “Website”) is managed by – and is property of the Fédération Européenne du Verre d’emballage, Avenue Louise 89 bte 4 – 1050 Brussels, registered in the Belgian Trade and Companies Register under number 0417.651.811 (hereinafter “Friends of Glass”).

In case of questions, complaints and/or remarks with regard to the Website, you can always turn to Weber Shandwick Friends of Glass Team by calling the number: +32 (0) 2 894 90 04, or via email to the following email address:

Friends of Glass reserves the right to modify these General Terms of Use at all times, without any prior warning, in order to comply with the (changing) legal obligations or to improve our service for you. Any modified version of these General Terms of Use shall be deemed to have been applicable as from the first date of publication on the Website. We advise you to regularly consult the Website.

Using the Website implies that the “user” of the Website (included herein, but not limited to, the mere internet user, advertiser, etc.) agrees entirely and irrevocably with the conditions and guidelines for the use of the Website contained in the present General Terms of Use.

Article 2: Intellectual Property Rights

All components of the Website (including but not limited to the used software, source codes, layout, text, logos, photographs, drawings, images, sound, databases, names, trademarks and domain names) are works protected by copyright and / or other intellectual property rights including trade marks.

All relevant property rights, including intellectual property rights (copyright, trademarks, database rights, design rights, etc.) belong to Friends of Glass or are included on the Website with the authorization of the owner of the relevant rights.

No component of the Website itself, nor the data and information provided on the Website may be stored (other than required in order to visit the Website), or reproduced, modified, translated, rendered public, distributed, rented out, sold, transferred to others or in any way used without the prior written authorization of Friends of Glass.

Article 3: Participation of the Members

It is possible for the Members of Friends of Glass to update their respective national sections of the Website – i.e. Friends for Glass websites with a national extension such as  .it/.de/.fr – by providing content (text, images, sounds etc.). In order to do so, the Members of each country will be provided with their own login details allowing them to access the content of the Website. However, Members will not be entitled to update the Website

In providing content to these national sections, the Members warrant that the data delivered by them are correct and complete. Communicating false, incorrect, incomplete or confusing data entitles Friends for Glass to immediately exclude these Members from posting any other content on these national sections of the Website.

The Members are solely and exclusively responsible for the articles, reports, data, comments, etc. they upload on the national sections of the Website. The Members are solely responsible to respect all possible rights, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, regarding the information that they communicate on the Website. Consequently, the Members will be responsible for any claim of third parties for (alleged) violations of their rights. The Members will fully indemnify Friends for Glass for all claims from third parties in respect of such(alleged) violations of their rights due to the information(text, image, sound, etc.) being placed by the Member on the national sections of the Website.

The Member gives its explicit consent to Friends of Glass to use the content provided by the former under any form of exploitation and without any limitation without Friends of Glass having to ask for an authorization from the Member and without Friends of Glass being able to be held liable for the legality and legitimacy of the content provided by the Member.

Friends of Glass retains the right to exclude the Member from any form of participation regarding the national sections of the Website on simple request of third parties or its own without having to provide any justification. This especially applies to inappropriate and commercially oriented messages. Inappropriate messages are, amongst other yet not limited to, messages, comments, data etc. :

–       which are offensive, racist, hateful, extremist, insulting or pornographic;

–       which could imply  a risk of defamation;

–       which could in any way be considered as a form of hacking or attempted hacking of the Website;

–       that could in any way violate the rights of Friends of Glass – including but not limited to – damages to its good reputation;

The Member has the right to file a complaint or send its remarks with regard to its possibilities of participation to the Website by sending an email to or by calling the following number +32 (0) 2 894 90 04. Friends of Glass will use its best efforts to provide an adequate and timely response to each complaint or remark.

Article 4: Liability

Friends for Glass is careful to provide information that is as accurate as possible but can not guarantee the complete accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information on the Website and can not be held liable for this. This applies to the information that has been posted on the Website by Friends for Glass as well as to the information from users or other parties. ‘Information’ shall mean everything that can be found on the Website, including text, images, sound, data, etc.

Friends for Glass is not liable for any decision or action that would be taken by the user on the basis of information provided on the Website,  nor is it responsible for any errors or mistakes of the user based on the information on the Website.

Friends for Glass is not liable for direct or indirect damages or any damages that could be caused by inaccuracy, incompleteness, inadequacy, forgetfulness or neglect in providing, composing, drawing, writing and interpreting the information on the Website.

Friends for Glass is not liable for any permanent or temporary damage or defaults of the computer equipment or data from the user during or after the use of the Website. In particular, Friends for Glass cannot be held liable for the possible transmission of viruses, trojans and such via the Website.

Friends for Glass is not liable for links to websites operated by others, or for the damage caused in the course of a visit to such websites. Friends for Glass has no control over such websites and cannot be held liable for the content displayed thereon.

For the realization of the Website, Friends for Glass is using, to the reasonably largest extent,  the most modern available techniques. However, Friends for Glass can not be held responsible for the (temporary) failure or any malfunctioning or maintenance work on – or of – the Website.

Article 5: Privacy

Given the evolution of the privacy legislation, Friends for Glass reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy at any moment. Consequently, Friends for Glass advises the user to verify on a regular basis on the Website whether changes have been made to the Privacy Policy .

Article 6: Waiver

The lack of enforcement by Friends for Glass of any provision of these General Terms of Use or not undertaking any action with respect to a user of the Website in the event of a possible breach of any provision, cannot be interpreted as a waiver of claim or right in respect of any provision in the context of a possible future infringement by a user.

Article 7: Severability

If any provision of these General Terms of Use should be considered wholly or partly illegal, invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, that provision will no longer be part of these General Terms of use. The legality, validity and binding nature of the other provisions of these General Terms of Use shall remain unaffected.

Article 8: Competent Court and Applicable Law

These General Terms of Use shall be governed by – and construed in accordance with – the Belgian legislation.

The competent courts for disputes regarding these General Terms of Use will be the courts of Brussels, unless otherwise imposed by mandatory statutory provisions.

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