
“Singing” glass bottles inspire millennials to recycle 

1 min


Join us in celebrating the International Year of Glass 

1 min


10 best Mother’s Day gift ideas from Friends of Glass

It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday 15th March and if you haven’t already, it’s time to think about what you’re going to do (or buy!) to show her she’s appreciated. From our research, we know many Mum’s love glass. It’s a fact. So if you’re stuck for ideas, here’s our round up of the 10 best glass inspired Mother’s Day gift ideas.

2 min


On the way to a better planet, every last bottle counts 

2 min

About Friends of Glass

Friends of Glass is a community which supports everything about glass packaging and helps you include glass in your lifestyle.

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Why Glass?

Learn why we love glass, and why we’re dedicated to promoting its numerous benefits to people all over the world.

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Take Action

Join a growing community of people who care about a better planet and a healthier lifestyle.

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Hear stories from the community, and discover all the reasons why glass is better for us, and better for the planet.

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Recycle glass and keep the endless cycle of recycling alive. 

We believe that every day, we should strive to become a better version of ourselves – because our actions, no matter how small, impact on this planet we call home. It doesn’t have to be complicated: even small efforts like recycling can help to reduce the impact we each have. Here are three simple steps you can take to improve your recycling game and inspire others to join you:  

Information is key 

Knowledge is power when it comes to recycling. Take the time to learn how recycling works in your city and the types of glass you can recycle. 

Recycle more and better 

Make a conscious effort to recycle more, and do it better each time. Not only does it save precious resources, but it keeps the endless cycle of glass alive. 

Lead by example  

Whether at home, school, or work, speak up! Make recycling look easy, and you inspire others to live more intentionally in turn. 

See how we’re bringing people together on this recycling journey

From a bottle to a perfume flacon to a jar, the recycling journey of glass is an endless cycle full of potential. When you recycle glass, it can take on new shapes, colours, and even purposes. Glass is a permanent material that can be recycled over and over again without losing its qualities – and you can make it live on. So help us create a future where we recycle every last bottle.

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5 Ways to Decorate For Christmas Using Glass

Snowflakes are falling, knitwear is finding its way out of the closet, and the frost is biting our noses – winter has arrived! 

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Why 5,000 year-old glass is still wine’s best friend

We love new things at Friends of Glass – but did you know that just by being told something is new can distort how people feel about something?

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Discover how you can make an impact

From how we live at home to how we show up for the planet, our everyday choices can be the starting point for a more sustainable future.

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