
“Singing” glass bottles inspire millennials to recycle 

1 min


5 Ways To Use Glass For Your Halloween Decorations At Home

With Halloween right around the bend, we’d like to share 5 ways to use glass around the house for your decorations. Nifty, crafty, and sometimes outright spine-chilling, these ideas will leave your house ready for the big day – the 31st of October!

2 min


Join us in celebrating the International Year of Glass 

1 min


5 ways you can help close the glass loop

We all have a part to play in building a more sustainable world, starting with how we shop, all the way down to how we get rid of our rubbish. This summer, organisations involved in all stages of the glass collection and recycling value chain have launched Close the Glass Loop – a major glass recycling action plan for Europe.

3 min

About Friends of Glass

Friends of Glass is a community that supports all things glass packaging, as part of a more intentional lifestyle that starts with our everyday choices.

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Why Glass?

Learn why we love glass, and why we’re dedicated to promoting its numerous benefits to people all over the world.

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Hear stories from the community, and discover all the reasons why choosing glass is better for us, as part of a more intentional lifestyle.

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The European Week for Waste Reduction has commenced! This week is all about learning how we can manage our waste in our everyday life by practicing the 3R’s – reduce, reuse, and recycle. Lucky for us, glass is the ideal packaging material for practicing the 3R’s. Here’s how:

Reduce with glass: According to the EWWR website, reducing waste means using fewer resources. Glass packaging does precisely this by keeping your food fresh beyond compare. With glass containers, even your leftovers stay untouched much longer, ensuring that you don’t have to waste anything by throwing it away the next day.

Reuse with glass: Reusing also reduces waste, and it just so happens that glass containers can be reused endlessly. Even a simple glass jar of tomato sauce can be transformed into a storage container, light bulb, or household DIY. Reusing your glass container is also cost efficient! Looking for your next Christmas decoration? Make a snow globe out of a mason jar instead of buying a costly one from the boutique shop. Reusing glass bottles has to be one of the most fun ways to be healthy to our environment.

Recycle with glass: At the end of the day, we cannot overstress the importance of recycling. As the EWWR website reminds us, recycling puts materials back in the product loop and helps us save resources, and in turn, the environment. Furthermore, recycling now can help us ensure that our future generations will live in a healthy world. After your next dinner party, make sure to take your glass bottles to your local recycling center. You’ll be doing a service for mother earth!

For more information on the European Week for Waste Reduction, make sure to check out the website here:

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