
“Singing” glass bottles inspire millennials to recycle 

1 min


5 Ways To Use Glass For Your Halloween Decorations At Home

With Halloween right around the bend, we’d like to share 5 ways to use glass around the house for your decorations. Nifty, crafty, and sometimes outright spine-chilling, these ideas will leave your house ready for the big day – the 31st of October!

2 min


Join us in celebrating the International Year of Glass 

1 min


5 ways you can help close the glass loop

We all have a part to play in building a more sustainable world, starting with how we shop, all the way down to how we get rid of our rubbish. This summer, organisations involved in all stages of the glass collection and recycling value chain have launched Close the Glass Loop – a major glass recycling action plan for Europe.

3 min

About Friends of Glass

Friends of Glass is a community that supports all things glass packaging, as part of a more intentional lifestyle that starts with our everyday choices.

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Why Glass?

Learn why we love glass, and why we’re dedicated to promoting its numerous benefits to people all over the world.

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Join a growing community of people who care about a better planet and a healthier lifestyle.

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Hear stories from the community, and discover all the reasons why choosing glass is better for us, as part of a more intentional lifestyle.

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For World Environment Day on 5 June, challenge yourself to get away from phones, computers and all other electronics. Take a journey into discovering nature at its best. Why not do it with glass?

Choose nature’s good quality over chemicals

Glass draws its strength and quality from earth’s natural resources, which means that the products you buy packaged in glass will always be the best quality. Glass is the only packaging material that won’t interfere with the taste of your food and drinks.

According to a recent survey, Europeans choose glass for its quality and taste preservation. More than 8 out of 10 consumers would recommend glass to their friends and family.

Safeguard your health and well-being with nature

Glass is made from three natural ingredients which are found abundantly in nature: sand, soda ash and limestone. By contrast, other packaging materials contain oils and chemicals which can affect the contents of your favourite food/drinks.

A survey shows that 53% of Europeans believe glass is the safest food packaging material and 73% of them believe the same for their drinks.

Save natural resources

Thanks to glass recycling, significant amounts of raw materials are saved and natural resources are preserved. Across Europe, glass recycling rates average 74% with rates above 90% achieved in some countries. Glass is a fully recyclable material that can be recycled in close loop over and over again.

According to a recent survey, 76% of Europeans believe glass is the most environmentally friendly packaging while plastics the least environmentally friendly.


Let’s raise a glass to nature! #worldenvironmentday

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