
“Singing” glass bottles inspire millennials to recycle 

1 min


Join us in celebrating the International Year of Glass 

1 min


10 best Mother’s Day gift ideas from Friends of Glass

It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday 15th March and if you haven’t already, it’s time to think about what you’re going to do (or buy!) to show her she’s appreciated. From our research, we know many Mum’s love glass. It’s a fact. So if you’re stuck for ideas, here’s our round up of the 10 best glass inspired Mother’s Day gift ideas.

2 min


On the way to a better planet, every last bottle counts 

2 min

About Friends of Glass

Friends of Glass is a community which supports everything about glass packaging and helps you include glass in your lifestyle.

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Learn why we love glass, and why we’re dedicated to promoting its numerous benefits to people all over the world.

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Hear stories from the community, and discover all the reasons why glass is better for us, and better for the planet.

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All you need is some water-based paint, newspaper, glass jars and a little bit of imagination to turn a simple jar into a classy colour-dipped piece of glassware.


Try this easy 4-step method:

1. Before you start, prepare your jars by soaking them in soapy water for a few hours. Using a rough sponge and hot water, remove any labels or ink. Wait for the jars to dry.

2. Find a bowl to pour your paint in to. Make sure it’s about an inch deep and stir out any bubbles.

3. Dip the bottom of a jar into paint and gently turn the jar at a slight angle so that the paint begins to climb up the side of the glass. Keep rolling the jar in the paint until the glass is completely coated anywhere between a quarter to a half of the way up.

4. Once you are happy with your jar and how it’s coated, place it right side up on a few sheets of newspaper and let it dry.


Drying time depends on the paint and the size of your jars.

Like this tutorial? Why not give it a go? Happy dipping 🙂


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